Thursday, January 12, 2012

Carter Finally Gets It / Brent Crawford

TITLE: Carter Finally Gets It
AUTHOR: Brent Crawford
CCLS OWN? Yes--in print (book), electronic (e-book) and audio (CD)

This is not your average and oh-so-predictable coming of age tale of boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, and that's a wrap. Carter Finally Gets It is told from the perspective of high school freshman Will Carter (aka Carter), a guy just trying to figure it all out before the end of his freshman year; how to get the girl, the cool nickname, the varsity letter jacket, the spot on the football, swimming and baseball teams, and ... the part in the school play. Carter is such a realistic character that readers will be rooting for him while simultaneously laughing at the horribly awkward situations that he finds himself in.

Still not quite hooked? Check out some of these can't miss lines from the novel Carter Finally Gets It...

We look like a pair of escapees from a mental hospital, or an S&M sex convention. My shirt is all ripped up and my hands are bound behind my back. EJ has puke all over his shirt, buttless pants, and only one shoe.

We're having chili for dinner tonight. It's my favorite thing Mom cooks, because instead of vegetables or rice or something on the side of the main dish, we have cinnamon rolls. I don't know who told her you could swap broccoli for a cinnamon roll, but I like it...

She definitely had a nice butt; I can tell that at any speed.

"Fight nothin', Mom! Let's talk about how Lynn had a huge party when we were at Grandma's funeral, and how the house was so jacked up that she had to hire a cleaning crew and a contractor to put it back together!"

If her wiggly walk was a crime and I was asked to testify against it at trial, I could give you every detail.

I learned a valuable lesson. Teachers are people...underpaid, poorly dressed, lame car-driving people.

I'm going to the dance with the hottest girl in my class, yet her dad will kill me if I touch her, and she's been ambushed by some demented makeover show.

In this process of becoming an adult, I think some people have got to get hurt. We hurt ourselves, and we hurt others. Some deserve it, while others are just waiting in line to play Ms. Pac-Man.

M's Verdict: I LOVED IT! This is the first book that I completely read on my Kindle and somehow it made the experience even better. I was able to save notes to use for my review and it was just as hilarious as if the book was right in front of me! I highly recommend it to everyone!
I chose to read this particular book because I felt like the books that I had been reading lately were written predominantly by and intended for female readers. I wanted something written by a man and told from a teen boy's perspective. Crawford hit that nail right on the head! (In other words, this was exactly the book that I was looking for!) It's the perfect book--it's filled with non-stop comedy, action, drama, and more.

It's a great choice for anyone who has gone through that awkward transition from middle to high school. Regardless of whether you are a guy or a girl, you are sure to find the totally bizarre (but believable) situations that Will finds himself in absolutely laugh-out-loud hilarious! Whether it's when Will and his friends are running from the cops, driving on the wrong side of the road, practically draining themselves of blood while shaving, or totally striking out while trying to pick up the rival schools' hotties, this book is sure to keep you entertained while still giving that feel good message of... it gets better & everyone has a rough patch (or two). I promise that if you read this book, you will declare that it is of epic proportions;)

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