Monday, June 12, 2006

New Way to Get the Weekly Challenge

I had a DUH moment this morning. You know what I mean - when you have a brilliant idea, but it was so painfully obvious you really should have thought of it much sooner. Some of you can only get into the library once a week or so and sometimes have trouble getting the Weekly Challenge in. Why not have them posted on this site a bit ahead of time? Duh! Because I didn't think of that until this morning. So for the remainder of the summer, I'll post the next week's Weekly Challenge here on Wednesdays (or when I remember). That'll give you plenty of time to solve it, do it, work up the nerve to do it (that one will be the week of July 17th), or whatever in plenty of time. So here's this week's:

Do the following for any member of the Reference Staff:

Take 3 cups (cups will be available to use at the Information Desk) and line them up in a row. Turn the first and third cups upside down, but leave the middle cup right side up.
Your task is to get all of the cups right side up, but you must follow these rules:
  • You must make exactly 3 moves - no more, no less.
  • For each move, you must turn over two cups at a time - never one at a time.
Good luck! Remember, you get at least one chance in the weekly prize drawing for doing each week's Weekly Challenge.

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