Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What Mrs. N's Been Reading - The Schwa Was Here

I just finished Neal Shusterman's The Schwa Was Here. What a wonderful book! I found myself laughing out loud as I was reading it. It reminded me of Gary Paulsen's Harris and Me in a lot of ways, and I love that book. It's one of those books that will be a longstanding sort of personal inside joke. I was at the orchid show at Longwood Gardens just as I started reading this, and I found myself thinking, "What am I? The Schwa?" as people walked right into me as though I wasn't there - didn't even blink or acknowledge me after they'd actually run into me. Those of us who tend to be sort of low key can relate. The characters were wonderful, the voice of Antsy, the narrator was the perfect, typical, eighth-grader, and story elements which could have gone so over-the-top and unbelievable were resolved in a satisfying manner. Highly recommended! Great for middle school boys, but adults will love it too.

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